
  • One letter
    The main idea of this warm-up is to choose a letter and then name at least 10 words staring with this letter. I take the letter "R" and the words are: rage, race, rabbit, Russia, Rome, risk, runner, rub, ride, role.
  • Random wordsI used the website I need to pick a few random words and try and tie them together in the most imaginative way possible. I hope you'll enjoy it😅

    I saw a primate in the garden
    It ate a bunch of grapes with greedily
    And when it heard a helicopter
    It was so scared by firecracker
    And suddenly he was confused by
    A piece of smut was right ahead him.

Creative writing prompts

I. What if..

I have an imaginary problems and my task is to find 7 ways out.
The situation is: What if there were no desks in the classrooms, but only beanbags?
  1. Children would sit on these beanbags.
  2. Children would write in notebooks album format.
  3. I would arrange the children in a chess order.
  4. I would use more speech-practice tasks at the lesson and the writing tasks would be mostly for homework.
  5. If it will be possible I would purchase some little board for my children to write on them.
  6. Once in 45 minutes, for a couple of minutes I would do some physical activity, because I guess sit on beanbags all time is too hard.
  7. Without a doubt, children would use their laptops and phones for some tasks on my lessons.
II. 6 thinking hats
I should use this method to come up with ideas for the speech “How many foreign languages should be taught to students in school?
My topic sentence is: "Why children CAN learn foreign languages at an early age?
  1. White thinking hat. This hat covers facts, figures, information needs, and gaps.
    Scientists have proved that at an early age children remember new information much better, including languages
  2. Red thinking hat. This hat covers intuition, feelings, and emotions.
    If you feel the child's ability to quickly absorb and filter new information, the study of foreign languages - this is what he/she needs.
  3. Black thinking hat. This is the hat of judgment and logic.
    Some children do not want or have no inclination to learn foreign languages. Perhaps it would be better for them to learn exact sciences such as mathematics, physics, etc.
  4. Yellow thinking hat. This is the hat of optimism.
    Learning foreign languages will never be useless. While you live you can not avoid situations where you will need a foreign language. 7.5 billion people live on earth and each nationality speaks its own language!
  5. Green thinking hat. This is the hat of creativity, alternatives, proposals, provocations, and changes.
    Without a doubt, if I could change an education system. I would change it. Because we have to recognize that human flourishing is not a mechanical process it's an organic process. So we should give to people a choice. A choice of what human want to do and who is he.
  6. Blue thinking hat. This is the hat of overview, and analysis.
    Every action in life has a meaning. However, for each person it is unique. You decide.
